Our Services

Our group offers professional services in the fields of accounting, taxation and finance, as well as training at open seminars and conferences of professional institutions and specially prepared training for our clients. Our auditors have extensive experience in internal and external audit and audit of agreed procedures in addition of the accounting and tax department that have certified tax advisors and long-term experience team members in the field of accounting, payroll and other forms of income.

Audit Services

The audit of financial statements is the verification and evaluation of annual financial statements and annual consolidated financial statements and other financial statements as well as the data and methods used during their compilation and, based on this, providing an independent expert opinion on whether the financial statements present a true and fair view in all significant respects, financial position and performance of operations and cash flows in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework or, if applicable, whether the financial statements are in accordance with the regulations.

Management, investors and lenders must review and trust your financial information to understand your business operations, plan for the future and determine the risks involved in committing funds and resources. As a global audit network and member of the IFAC Forum of Companies, Russell Bedford is fully committed to quality, integrity and independence.

Users of the audit of financial statements:

  • Owners
  • Investors
  • Credit institutions
  • Business partners
  • Related entities

Those liable to audit financial statements:

  • Public interest subjects
  • Large and medium-sized enterprises in accordance with the Accounting Act
  • Joint-stock companies, limited partnerships and limited liability companies that exceed the indicator in at least two of the following three conditions in the year preceding the audit:
    1. the amount of total assets is EUR 2.500.000,00
    2. the amount of income is EUR 5.000.000,00
    3. the average number of employees during the business year is at least 25
  • Companies that have submitted a request for listing their papers on the regulated market

What we offer:

  • Audit of financial statements
  • Audit of consolidated financial statements
  • Audit of status changes of the company (capital increase, mergers, divisions, etc.)
  • Audits of non-profit organizations
  • Audits for fraud detection
  • Audit reviews

Services include consulting on the tax aspect of business (profit tax, income tax, value added tax and other forms of indirect taxation), as well as consulting on accounting and other financial regulations, including the application of regulations from double taxation agreements. This presupposes up-to-date (daily) information and presentation regarding current tax and accounting principles essential for fair and objective financial reporting, along with the creation of tax solutions in order to optimize tax obligations. Management's interest in tax risk management is not only the removal of fines for violations, but also the optimization of the tax burden. For these purposes, our services include the following:

  • Telephone answers to inquiries
  • Answers to e-mail inquiries
  • Meetings with responsible persons of the company, at a time and place as agreed
  • Meeting with responsible persons before the end of the business year for the purpose of helping with the preparation of financial statements and tax returns
  • Reporting to the client about important news in taxation
  • Preparation of the Elaboration on transfer prices

High-quality staff guarantee the performance of bookkeeping services at the highest level and in accordance with the relevant accounting standards (IFRS/HSFI), with the goal of fair and objective financial reporting.

Accounting services include:

  • Financial accounting services on a daily basis
  • Preparation of financial statements in accordance with HSFI/IFRS
  • Preparation of consolidated financial reports
  • Making reports for management
  • Outsourcing certain business processes
  • Forensic accounting

Payroll calculation is considered a complex and very sensitive job, especially in an environment where there are frequent changes in tax regulations related to income calculation. For this reason, more and more companies decide to outsource payroll and other income.

Payroll services include:

  • Monthly calculation of wages and benefits
  • Monthly calculation of other forms of income determined by the business partner
  • Creation and submission of related forms on calculated income to the tax authority
  • Creation and sending of related forms for calculated and liquidated travel orders
  • Employee check-ins/check-outs
  • Cooperation with the tax authority related to the reconciliation of tax payments and reporting of the business entity
  • Consultations on tax, accounting and financial aspects of payroll
Accounting Services
Financial Consulting

Financial consulting includes consulting services in the application of current accounting principles necessary for the qualitative performance of daily activities, consulting and practical assistance in the preparation of separate and consolidated financial statements, consulting on tax and accounting aspects of business combinations, analysis of financial statements for decision-making purposes.

Financial consulting services:

  • Due Diligence
  • Valuations
  • Court Expertise
  • In-house Seminars

The service includes in-depth business recording, verification and analysis of business transactions in order to determine the real state of the company. The goal of the service is preventive action with the aim of fair and objective financial reporting in accordance with the principles of IFRS/HSFI and with the aim of avoiding tax risks and possible payment of fines due to non-application or incorrect application of tax and accounting regulations.

It includes a detailed review of business documentation with the aim of detecting tax irregularities in the application of tax regulations in order to reduce or avoid exposure to sanctions by supervisory authorities and with the aim of optimizing tax obligations (tax expenditure) in the future business of the taxpayer.

The application of accounting principles, including the presentation of fair and objective financial statements, may also be subject to the supervision of tax authorities. Therefore, our services include a detailed review of all accounting documents and financial statements in order to detect possible irregularities in the application of accounting principles derived from IFRS/HSFI, and in order to eliminate potential exposure to possible sanctions by supervisory authorities.

Valuation is a complex process that requires a wide range of skills, experience and knowledge. Our team of experts has the necessary knowledge, experience and skills in the following types of assessments:

  • Valuations during acquisitions (buying and selling)
  • Valuations for financial reporting purposes
  • Valuations during squeeze-out of minority shareholders
  • Valuations for litigation purposes

In the work of forensic experts, we adhere to the principles of the code of ethics of forensic experts, which determines the relationship and behavior of the forensic expert in the forensic expertise process, the relationship towards the work and parties in court proceedings, the body before which the proceedings are conducted, that is, towards the other client of the expert witness, the parties, other forensic experts and the public.

The area of our expertise are:

  • Finance
  • Taxes
  • Accounting

The aim of the seminar is to acquaint the responsible persons of the client, on practical examples of their application, with all changes in legal regulations related to financial reporting, including their accounting and tax aspects. Our expert team will organize training in the areas of accounting, taxes and finance in our own or in the client's premises.

Court Expertise

Our group offers professional services in the fields of accounting, taxation and finance, as well as training at open seminars and conferences of professional institutions and specially prepared training for our clients. Our auditors have extensive experience in internal and external audit and audit of agreed procedures in addition of the accounting and tax department that have certified tax advisors and long-term experience team members in the field of accounting.

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