Paško Anić‑Antić, PhD

Partner in Audit and Tax Consulting

Paško Anić‑Antić PhD, graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb, where in 2004 he defended his master's thesis at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Zagreb, majoring in accounting, auditing and finance. He obtained his doctoral dissertation in the field of economics, branch of accounting, in 2008 at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Split.

Paško gained work experience in an international environment through recognized trading companies, working in the fields of accounting, auditing and taxes. He was also a member of the working groups for drafting tax and accounting regulations at the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia.

Paško is a certified Croatian auditor, a certified tax advisor and a permanent court expert in the fields of accounting, taxes and finance.

Paško is a permanent professor at the Business School, branch of accounting. As an external associate, he teaches undergraduate and MBA studies at the Zagreb School of Economics and Management, where he also held the position of head of the accounting and finance department.

Paško has published a number of scientific and professional papers in the field of accounting and taxation, and held a number of professional and scientific conferences, as well as professional seminars and workshops.

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