Marko Anić‑Antić

Audit Director

Marko Anić‑Antić completed his graduate university studies in Business Economics – majoring in Accounting and Auditing at the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb.

In 2014, he joined the team of ATF Savjetovanje d.o.o., on the duties of accounting and preparation of studies of profitability and valuation of companies.

During 2018, he joined the professional team of Russell Bedford Croatia – Revizija d.o.o., for auditing, as a member of the audit team. Since then, as a team member, he has participated in the audit of individual and consolidated reports of small, medium and large companies and public interest companies.

The industries in which he has gained experience so far are: tourism (hotels and campsites), retail and wholesale trade, transport services, metal industry, business of factoring companies, investment funds, leasing companies and others.

He uses the English language skillfully in speech and writing every day. Since 2018, he has held the position of audit director.

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